Kayla Stotler, Scientific Recruiter Mid-Atlantic Division Phone: 908-818-1086 Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kayla-stotler-294b46178 About Kayla: At ClinLab Staffing I specialize in building relationships within Biotech, Medical Device and...
HR & Management
Staff Profile: Aubrey O’Keefe, Scientific Recruiter Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill
Aubrey O'Keefe, Scientific Recruiter Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Phone: (919) 457-1105 Connect on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/aubreyokeefe/ About Aubrey: I am a scientific recruiter in North Carolina including Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill. I began my...
Staff Profile: Zach West Account Manager Massachusetts
Zach West, Account Manager Mid-Atlantic Phone: (508) 907-6222 Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zachary-west-780274b1 “Working at ClinLab Staffing I specialize in building relationships within Biotech, Medical Device and Pharmaceutical industries....
Staff Profile: Sean Reilly, Account Manager Massachusetts
Sean Reilly, Account Manager Massachusetts Phone: (508) 907-6222 Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-reilly-a9506167 “Experienced Scientific Recruiter and Account Manager with a demonstrated history of working in staffing and recruiting with in the...
How do Life Science Companies Deal with Rapid Staffing Changes?
2020 was an odd year and 2021 shaping up to be much the same for the Biotech and Pharma industries. According to Forbes Magazine, 2020 was “the greatest year ever for the biopharma industry” and it was true -it’s still true. Along with the wild ride that was 2020,...
Tips for Conducting Virtual Interviews
In 2020, executives and teams with hiring responsibilities have had to figure how to quickly evolve their skills to include an array of hiring tools to facilitate remote recruiting and staffing. With all of the video conferencing software available, virtual...