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5 Things to Do Before You Start a Job Search

Attention job seekers! Before you dive into your job search journey, make sure you’re equipped with the right tools for success. Your job search is not just about applying to as many positions as possible, but about making strategic moves that will lead to a fulfilling career. Here are 5 crucial things to do before you start your job search: 1. Self-Assessment: Know Yourself Before you embark on a job search, take some time for self-reflection. Ask yourself some fundamental questions: What are my core strengths and weaknesses? What are my key skills and experiences? What are my long-term career goals? What kind of work environment and culture do I thrive in? What are my non-negotiables in a job (salary, location, work-life balance)? Understanding yourself will help you identify the types of jobs and companies that align with your values and aspirations. It will also help you articulate your value proposition to potential employers. 2. Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Your resume and LinkedIn profile are your personal marketing tools. Make sure they accurately reflect your skills, experiences, and achievements. Consider these tips: Highlight your accomplishments and quantify them with numbers (e.g., “increased sales by 20%”). Tailor your resume for each job application by emphasizing relevant skills. Use a professional and up-to-date profile picture on LinkedIn. Connect with professionals in your industry to expand your network. Recruiters and hiring managers often check LinkedIn profiles, so make sure yours is a compelling reflection of your professional self. 3. Develop a Targeted Job Search Strategy A scattergun approach to job searching rarely yields the best results. Instead, focus your efforts on a targeted job search strategy: Identify industries and companies of interest. Research the job market and trends in your field. Network with professionals in your industry. Connect with a recruiting professional in your niche. Set clear goals for your job search, such as the number of applications per week. A targeted approach will save you time and increase your chances of landing a job that aligns with your career goals. Submit Your Resume with ClinLab! 4. Skill Enhancement and Training The job market is dynamic, and employers often seek candidates with up-to-date skills. Consider taking courses or certifications to enhance your qualifications. This not only makes you a more attractive candidate but also shows potential employers that you’re committed to personal and professional growth. Additionally, soft skills like communication, adaptability, and problem-solving are highly valued in the modern workplace. Investing in these skills can set you apart from other applicants. 5. Prepare for Interviews and Assessments Interviews and assessments are crucial steps in the job search process. Don’t wait until you have an interview scheduled to prepare. Start early: Research common interview questions and practice your answers. Develop a list of questions to ask the interviewer. Practice your elevator pitch. If applicable, prepare for assessments or skills tests. Preparation boosts your confidence and increases your chances of acing interviews. Job searching is a strategic process that begins with self-assessment and ends with interview success. By taking the time to understand yourself, update your professional profiles, develop a targeted strategy, enhance your skills, and prepare thoroughly, you’ll be well-equipped for a successful job search journey. Remember, it’s not just about finding any job; it’s about finding the right job for you.  

5 Science Podcasts for Scientists

5 Science Podcasts for Scientists and Science Lovers   Recently we were chatting and put together a brief list of some of our favorite, must-listen life science podcasts. Podcasts are a great way to keep up with the rapid changes in the scientific community and life science space.   Podcasts are not just for entertainment, they can also help your career. They can keep you on top of what’s happening in your space, learn the players maybe even inspire your own inner scientific genius.   Have you got a favorite science podcast? Please share with us – we are looking to grow our list – especially as our commutes are starting to to get longer again!     Our 5 Favorite Science Podcasts Right Now      🎙️ Naked Scientists, In Short Special Editions Podcast Probing the weird, wacky and spectacular, the Naked Scientists Special Editions are special one-off scientific reports, investigations and interviews on cutting-edge topics by the Naked Scientists team.   🎙️ The Life Scientific Host Professor Jim Al-Khalili talks to leading (living) scientists about their life and work, finding out what inspires and motivates them and asking what their discoveries might do for humanity.   🎙️ Nature The Nature Podcast brings you the best stories from the world of science each week. They cover everything from astronomy to zoology, highlighting the most exciting research from each issue of Nature journal. Meet the scientists behind the results and provide in-depth analysis from Nature’s journalists and editors.   🎙️ 60-Second Science Scientific American’s weekly rapid reports from the world of science—it’s quick and fascinating.   🎙️ Science Friday Podcasts Covering the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies, Science Friday is the trusted source for news about science, technology, and other cool stuff. Host Ira Flatow mixes it up by featuring people in the know and those who want to be. Science Friday frequently features listeners that call in with their most riveting science questions   🎙️ Hidden Brain Hidden Brain Podcast Hidden Brain explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and questions that lie at the heart of our complex and changing...

Why Hire Temporary Employees? Here Are 6 Great Reasons

While there is no denying the upsides of committed, long-term employees, many companies can also benefit from short-term employees, also known as “temps”. While some businesses might be initially weary about considering this type of hire, the reality is that temps can be an excellent choice for a number of situations. So exactly when is hiring a short-term employee in a company’s best interest? Here are 6 advantages to hiring a temp: Solve for unexpected turnover, long-term leave or a special project: temps are an excellent solution when a company experiences staffing shifts. For example, temporary hires can save the day if / when a number of employees leave at once (let’s be realistic—we all know that when it rains, it pours), there are extended absences like maternity leaves or medical issues, or special projects that require the full attention of one or more of your permanent team members. Temps can not only help keep day-to-day operations going without too many hiccups, but also alleviate stress on the human resources (HR) department to make fast decisions and hire too quickly. Save time by not having to screen candidates and manage candidate relationships: speaking of HR, working with a temp agency can free up time in a big way for this department. While agencies charge a fee, they also do the legwork when it comes to screening, interviewing and relationship management. This greatly expedites the hiring process and remember, just because the hire starts in a temporary role doesn’t mean you can’t eventually make them a permanent part of the team. Eliminate the urgency to immediately fill a position and in turn, avoid a hiring faux pas: one of the huge benefits of temps is not having to make a long-term commitment. Your management team will have time to evaluate if the new addition brings the right dynamic to the table. Also, most temps are hungry for a permanent role and in turn are eager to contribute at a high level. Give clients access to new skills and perspectives: You always want what’s best for the client, but it might be surprising to hear that temp employees offer value to not only your internal team, but externally as well. Welcoming new ideas and fresh points of view to a seasoned team has the ability to inspire managers, long-term employees and clients alike. Save in the short-term by not having to offer company benefits, workers compensation or health insurance: ClinLab handles benefits for temporary staff so you don’t have to. There is no denying that contracted roles provide basic cost savings to your bottom line. While offering some benefits is a nice way to motivate temps (as well as boost their job happiness), the larger expenditures are kept at bay during the non-commitment phase, which is an undeniable plus. Alleviate stress for your permanent team members: it’s true that managing the dynamic between temp and perm employees can be tricky, but having more help always boosts spirits. Temps help ensure burnout, mandatory overtime and a loss of work-life balance don’t occur, all of which everyone will be grateful for. If you’re considering hiring temp employees, always examine the landscape of your business. Being aware of the benefits, as well as the potential growing pains is a crucial part of the process. Work closely with your management team, permanent employees and HR department to come up with the right plan for success.