Tips for Conducting Virtual Interviews ClinLab Staffing

In 2020, executives and teams with hiring responsibilities have had to figure how to quickly evolve their skills to include an array of hiring tools to facilitate remote recruiting and staffing. With all of the video conferencing software available, virtual interviews, as opposed to meeting face to face, have become essential and much more common than ever before.

virtual hiring of staffing online life science

As the person conducting the interview, here are some tips to make sure you’re giving your potential hires the best virtual interview experience possible :


Plan Ahead

Before the interview takes place, be sure to test your technology, read the candidate’s resume and prepare some questions you’d like to ask, the same things you would do for an in person interview. The more prepared you are, the more confident you come off and for a potential hire, it’s important for them to see that confidence and see your preparedness as it relates to both the interview, the company, and your technological abilities.


Be Friendly 

Creating a connection virtually can be difficult so be sure to be friendly, explain your role within the company, go over the structure of the virtual interview and make sure the potential hire feels comfortable as you get started. Make sure your questions are solid and be mindful of your tone. Small talk, which can be awkward in general, can feel even more awkward over a video call, so keeping it light but insightful is key and remember, you’re trying to create a connection with the potential hire, so keep that in mind.


Be Present 

Similarly to how you want your potential hire to be free from distractions, the same should go for you. Shut off your phone notifications, close out of your email or office chat systems, and turn off any music or TV that may be running in the background. As you’re conducting the interview during your work day, it may be tempting to check your email or make a note on a project that pops into your head, but resist it. Being distracted can ruin the flow of the interview and make the potential hire nervous so be sure to keep your focus on the interview. If you plan on taking notes throughout the conversation, let the potential hire know this at the beginning of the interview so that they know you’re still listening and engaged if you begin to write things down, but don’t use this as an excuse to try and multitask.


Set the Stage 

Set your computer up, turn on your camera, and take a look at what’s visible behind you. What setting in your space looks most professional and also the least distracting? Conducting an interview in your home is much different than an office setting, but be sure to dress and act the same as if you were meeting face to face. Being conscious of your background is important, as your setting tells the potential hire as much about you as their background does for them.


Be An Active Listener

Multitasking has become a norm in many office environments. With the abundance of multi-person video and conference calls the past few months have seen, it’s easy to get distracted and answer with one syllable. This is not one of those times. While you may conduct multiple video interviews in a day, the potential hire does not, and this interview is very important for them. It’s imperative that you, as the potential hire, are giving them your full attention and truly listening to their answers and the information that they’re sharing with you. Their attention is fully directed towards you, so give them the same respect. Afterall, they may be your newest coworker!